My Personal Fundraising Page

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My story:

since the start of the pandemic, ACB Nebraska has struggled to retain and recruit members, as well as to fundraise. When I moved here in February, I decided to make it my mission to change all that, and to make ACB Nebraska a bigger and better affiliate than it has had the opportunity to be in recent years. Part of that plan includes creating the ACB Nebraska Corn cobs walk team, and actively seeking donations. This is where you come in. I would love it if you would donate, or even better, register as a walker. If you don't plan to be in Schaumburg, the location of the physical walk, on June 30, that's no problem. You can be a virtual participant and still show your support. My fundraising goal is $200, with the team goal being $1000. and your donation or registration will help me both to achieve my goal and to support my team. Thank you in advance for helping me so the seeds for a brighter future for ACB Nebraska.

My Supporters

  • Amber Steet April 2023 $5.00
  • Amber Steet April 2023 $5.00

My Teammates





of your goal reached

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