ACB Walk 2023   ○   ACBDA Sugar Warriors

Veronica Elsea

My Personal Fundraising Page

Put Your Story Here

Tell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.

My Supporters

  • Christy Crespin Diabetes is a grumpy taker so I will be a cheerful giver. Go, Veronica! July 2023 $51.50
  • Christy Crespin Diabetes is a selfish taker so I will be a cheerful giver. Go, Veronica! July 2023 $50.00
  • Margo Leslie It's only money. Diabetes is a problem for too many people, and they (we) all need support. June 2023 $103.00
  • Rita Freimanis My children both have insulin-dependent diabetes, but are not blind, and yet they have had many years of difficult challenges. So it’s the least I can do to support those who have all of the challenges to deal with. Best of luck in your fundraiser! June 2023 $103.00
  • Victoria Post Go, sugar warriors, and go, Veronica. Anything that makes life a little easier for blind diabetics is worth supporting. Thank you. June 2023 $103.00
  • Veronica Elsea May 2023 $250.00
  • Margo Leslie It's only money. Diabetes is a problem for too many people, and they (we) all need support. June 2023 $103.00
  • Rita Freimanis My children both have insulin-dependent diabetes, but are not blind, and yet they have had many years of difficult challenges. So it’s the least I can do to support those who have all of the challenges to deal with. Best of luck in your fundraiser! June 2023 $103.00
  • Victoria Post Go, sugar warriors, and go, Veronica. Anything that makes life a little easier for blind diabetics is worth supporting. Thank you. June 2023 $103.00
  • Christy Crespin Diabetes is a grumpy taker so I will be a cheerful giver. Go, Veronica! July 2023 $51.50





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