ACB Walk 2023   ○   Florida Hurricanes

Mikey Wiseman

My Personal Fundraising Page

Hello and thank you for visiting my fundraising page!
I will be embarking on a walkathon later on this summer, to raise funds for the American council of the blind, as well as the Florida council of the blind. Both of these organizations have proven extremely valuable to me, and to many other blind, and visually impaired individuals throughout the country. Some of the great things that these organizations offer are education and advocacy, scholarships, as well as an incredible amount of resources, and support to blind and visually impaired individuals throughout the country. I very much appreciate their efforts and I’m proud to embark on this endeavor in order to raise funds for such worthy causes. Thank you in advance for your generosity :-)

My Supporters

  • Patricia Kracht June 2023 $309.00
  • Anonymous June 2023 $25.50
  • Kati and Mark Lear Come on Hurricanes, blow in the money! June 2023 $51.50
  • Donald Moore Good going! June 2023 $51.50
  • Kara Emerson June 2023 $51.50
  • Patricia Kracht June 2023 $309.00
  • Rosa Palomo Cheers to living by example with grace and joy! Dale!!! June 2023 $150.00
  • Manny Valdes Always proud of you June 2023 $150.00
  • Jonathan Pine In appreciation, respect and memory of my mother who became blind when I was 6 and never knew my face, just my heart. Thank you Michael June 2023 $103.00
  • Joaquin Ferrao June 2023 $60.00

My Teammates





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