ACBDA Sugar Warriors
Our Team Fundraising Page
We are the ACBDA Sugar Warriors walking to knuckle down on diabetes!
We are taking orders for the Sugar Warriors 2023 t-shirt. You can find out all the information by visiting our web site at:
You can go directly to the page that shows a picture of the T-shirt along with a detailed description of its design by visiting this link:
If you are an eager beaver and just want to order the T-shirt right away for $29 (no shipping fees required) then visit this page:
Happy ordering everyone. Let’s raise some good money for the affiliate, showing our Sugar Warriors pride, not to mention getting great gifts for family and friends!
Our affiliate has a great incentive plan for those who join our team.
If you raise $100 or more you will benefit from the following incentive program:
$100 - $199 - get a free T-shirt (see Becky if you preordered)
$200 - $299 - get a free T-shirt and a $20 gift card
$300 and up - get a free T-shirt and $40 gift card
Gift cards will be awarded at the end of the Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk fundraiser!
Any questions, please contact Sugar Warriors team captain Becky Dunkerson!
Let’s go ACBDA Sugar Warriors!
Our Team
- TT Thomas Tobin $6,158.00
- VE Veronica Elsea $686.25
- RM Roberta McCall $334.75
- EO Elizabeth Oleksa $180.25
- PM Patricia Maddix $150.00
- BD Becky Dunkerson Team Captain $145.00
- LG Larry Gassman $125.00
- MK Marilee Kenlon $113.30
- LB Linda Byers $100.00
Cheri Sytsma $77.25
- JA Jo Ann Kucic $50.00
- SR Stephen Robertson $25.75
- KS Karen Shrawder $25.75
- AW Abby Winters $25.75
- PE Peter Elsea $25.75
- JL Janeen Lea $25.00
- JH Jennifer Howard $25.00
- BR Bonnie Robertson $25.00
- RT Rhonda Trott $25.00
- DT David Trott $25.00
Theresa Breeden $25.00
- TW Tricia Waechter $25.00
- RW Robert Waechter $25.00
- UH Uless Harris $25.00
- TS Terry Suarez $25.00
- DL Darrow Loucks $25.00
of your goal reached
Recent Activity
ACBDA Sugar Warriors has reached their fundraising goal of $8,000.00!
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Jane Perry donated $25.75 to ACBDA Sugar Warriors
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David Trott joined ACBDA Sugar Warriors
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Rhonda Trott joined ACBDA Sugar Warriors
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Uless Harris joined ACBDA Sugar Warriors
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Our Supporters
- Nina Kagan July 2023 $51.50
- Christy Crespin Diabetes is a grumpy taker so I will be a cheerful giver. Go, Veronica! July 2023 $51.50
- Christy Crespin Diabetes is a selfish taker so I will be a cheerful giver. Go, Veronica! July 2023 $50.00
- Jane Perry July 2023 $25.75
- Margo Leslie It's only money. Diabetes is a problem for too many people, and they (we) all need support. June 2023 $103.00
- Rita Freimanis My children both have insulin-dependent diabetes, but are not blind, and yet they have had many years of difficult challenges. So it’s the least I can do to support those who have all of the challenges to deal with. Best of luck in your fundraiser! June 2023 $103.00
- Victoria Post Go, sugar warriors, and go, Veronica. Anything that makes life a little easier for blind diabetics is worth supporting. Thank you. June 2023 $103.00
- Anonymous June 2023
- Bonnie Robertson June 2023 $26.50
- David and Wendy Lingafelter June 2023
- David Plumlee I want to give a little boost to the Sugar Warriors in their fund-raiser. I won't be at the convention, but I wish you the best! June 2023 $20.60
- John Doerge Congratulations on this cause. June 2023 $515.00
- Larry Gassman June 2023 $100.00
- Bruce & Patricia Bastl Keep up the good work, Tom ! June 2023 $500.00
- Ellie Raudenbush June 2023 $51.50
- Patricia Maddix June 2023 $125.00
- Marilee Kenlon May 2023 $78.00
- Anonymous Keep up the good work.This donation is in honor of Tom Tobin. May 2023
- Veronica Elsea May 2023 $250.00
- Jo Ann Kucic May 2023 $25.00
- Anonymous Thank you Tom for your fastidious leadership and impeccable demeanor! Talk soon my friend!! May 2023 $1,500.00
- John Doerge Congratulations on this cause. June 2023 $515.00
- Betsy Cushman May 2023 $515.00
- Bruce & Patricia Bastl Keep up the good work, Tom ! June 2023 $500.00
- Rob and Mary Miller Keep up the good work! May 2023 $500.00
- Roberta McCall April 2023 $258.25
- Daniel O'Neill Go Tom! May 2023 $257.50
- Veronica Elsea May 2023 $250.00
- Chris Sankey May 2023 $250.00
- Brian Coughlin May 2023 $250.00
- Amy Downey Go Tom! May 2023 $200.00
- Patricia Maddix June 2023 $125.00
- Elizabeth Oleksa April 2023 $103.75
- Margo Leslie It's only money. Diabetes is a problem for too many people, and they (we) all need support. June 2023 $103.00
- Rita Freimanis My children both have insulin-dependent diabetes, but are not blind, and yet they have had many years of difficult challenges. So it’s the least I can do to support those who have all of the challenges to deal with. Best of luck in your fundraiser! June 2023 $103.00
- Victoria Post Go, sugar warriors, and go, Veronica. Anything that makes life a little easier for blind diabetics is worth supporting. Thank you. June 2023 $103.00
- Deborah Fox Keep up the great work Tom. May 2023 $103.00
- Larry Gassman June 2023 $100.00
- Marilee Kenlon May 2023 $78.00
- Thomas Tobin April 2023 $78.00